As a developer and enthusiast of Apple Shortcuts, I'm always looking for ways to enhance the sharing and collaboration experience of complex shortcuts. Thus, I'm excited to introduce my submissions for the MacStories Automation April 2023 contestSC Pshr ⬆️ (Shortcut Pusher) and SC Pllr ⬇️ (Shortcut Puller). The complete solution is published on my iOS Util Shortcuts repository on GitHub.

My approach involves incorporating Git repositories to streamline the sharing and distribution process of shortcuts and their dependencies. This simplifies the process and makes it more efficient for both developers and users alike.

Sharing a complex shortcut often requires other subsidiary shortcuts to provide functionality building blocks. This reliance on dependencies can make sharing updates quite cumbersome, as clicking multiple iCloud links becomes necessary to install the updated shortcut and its dependencies.

This is where my SC Pllr ⬇️ (Shortcut Puller) solution comes in, offering a seamless and accessible solution to this problem. Upon running the shortcut, it quickly prompts for a Git repository URL and installs all the shortcuts present within the repository.

To make this process possible, I utilized a shortcuts technique for extracting shortcuts as JSON and XML, generously shared by Federico from MacStories. This allows for more straightforward PR reviews and collaboration by allowing users to store shortcuts in repositories. I also used the excellent Working Copy app, a Git client designed for iOS devices.

Please feel free to navigate my GitHub repository, download the shortcuts by installing and running the SC Pllr ⬇️ shortcut, and check out the README in the repository for a comprehensive overview of the shortcuts and their functionalities.

By adopting these iOS Util Shortcuts, we can revolutionize the way we develop, share, and work collaboratively on Apple Shortcuts – taking automation capabilities to new heights. I hope that my solution inspires you and future developers to reimagine how creative automations are shared.

Enjoy your shortcutting!