In August, I shared my Note Taker shortcut, which I use to quickly capture my thoughts into Apple's notes app. This was before the release of iOS 14. After iOS 14 was released, I started realizing that some of my #thoughts notes were missing when Note Taker was asking me where I wanted to put the thought.

After some investigating, I determined this is actually a bug in the Shortcuts app on iOS 14. The "Find Notes" action is completely unreliable when searching for hashtags, that is, anything starting with a #. I created a simple shortcut that illustrates the bug and reported it to Apple, so hopefully they resolve it sometime soon.

Unfortunately, the best workaround for now, is to just not use hashtags. I updated Note Taker to work with the shortcuts-thoughts tag instead of #thoughts. You can download the updated shortcut here.

If you have been using this shortcut, be sure and change any of the #thoughts tags in your notes over to shortcuts-tag-thoughts in order for the notes to be found.

In the future, if I update this Shortcut, it will prompt you to install the update using UpdateKit. If you don't have the UpdateKit Shortcut installed, it will skip this step. You can download UpdateKit and learn more about it here.